Current Lab Members

Dr. Tamara Vanderwal

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR, ORCiD: 0000-0002-8774-9430

Dr. Vanderwal received her M.D. from Yale School of Medicine, and completed residency, fellowship and research training at the Yale Child Study Center. Her research mentors were Robert T. Schultz, Linda C. Mayes and F. Xavier Castellanos (and team). She also has a Master’s degree from Yale Divinity School, with a concentration in ethics. Tammy’s work combining neuroscience and art has been featured at the Imagine Science Film Festival and at MoMA Studios. She is currently the managing guest editor for the special issue/saga on Naturalistic Imaging for NeuroImage. She also continues to practice as a child psychiatrist, seeing kids in northern BC.

Current movie recommendation: Apollo 13
Reason: Work the problem, people. Let’s not make things worse by guessing.


Jeff Eilbott

Research consultant

Jeff has expertise in all aspects of data analysis, data management and learning and applying new analytic approaches in fMRI, EEG and fNIRS. He works with a number of neuroimaging labs and has co-authored numerous publications. He has a natural gift for matricization, and abhors poor cable management.

Current movie recommendation: Primer
Reason: Mind-bending on shoestring budget

Dr. Ahmad Samara

PhD Student, ORCID: 0000-0002-4040-0338

Currently a PhD student in the department of neuroscience at UBC, Dr. Samara received his medical degree from An-Najah National University in Palestine. He has participated in different areas of clinical research, from sleep quality to snakebites, but ultimately wants to spend his career studying the functional organization of the human brain.

Current movie recommendation: Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Reason: Consistent good humour and an uplifting message

Hallee Shearer.jpg

Hallee Shearer

MASTER’S student, ORCID: 0000-0002-4813-3473

Hallee completed a co-op term and directed studies course with Dr. Vanderwal and will be starting her Master’s in Neuroscience in September 2021. Her past research involved using graph theory measures to study childhood-onset OCD. Now, she’s working on an online study to validate a new OCD Symptom-Provocation movie.

Current movie recommendation: Good Will Hunting
Reason: Even those who despise math can enjoy this combination of a math genius and a witty psychiatrist.

Meaghan Smith

Undergraduate Student

Meaghan is in her last year of a Bachelor of Arts and Science at McGill University. She is majoring in cognitive science with a concentration in neuroscience and is also completing a double minor in computer science and social studies of medicine. She is working in the lab for the summer under the BCCHR Summer Studentship and is looking at head motion and eye-tracking estimates during pediatric movie-fMRI scans.

Current movie recommendation: Moneyball
Reason: Funny and heartwarming underdog story + sports + Jonah Hill!!!

Will Clarke

Undergraduate Student

Will is currently completing his undergraduate degree in Cognitive Systems at UBC. As a member of the research team, and with the use of movie-fMRI scans, Will is helping to generate an innovative multi-use pediatric fMRI dataset to accelerate progress in developmental neuroimaging research. Will plans to continue his affiliation with the Naturalistic Neuroimaging Lab after the summer as he works on a related undergraduate research project.

Current movie recommendation: Arrival
Reason: Really unique premise + Incredible visuals

Tara Gaertner

Tara Gaertner is a resident in the research track in the Department of Psychiatry at the UBC. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music from McGill University, a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Texas, Houston, and an M.D. from UBC. In the middle of all that education, there was a long gap where she raised her children, taught music to little kids, and was a Neuroanatomy lecturer in the Occupational Therapy program at UBC. Tara is interested in how the brain and the body interact in psychiatric illness, and how music can be used as a tool to study this interaction and as an intervention to improve mental health.

Current movie recommendation: The Mission
Reason: Absolutely gorgeous soundtrack. The movie is good too, but the music makes it fantastic.




Simon Frew

Undergraduate Student, ORCID: 0000-0002-7846-5946

Simon is currently pursuing his B.A.Sc in Nanotechnology Engineering at the University of Waterloo in Ontario. He completed two co-op terms in the lab, and is (somehow) continuing to work on the projects started during that time. He is currently working on a large study characterizing head motion during movies and rest.

Current movie recommendation: WALL·E
Reason: Incredible non-verbal communication and storytelling!


Dr. Adam Turnbull

Adam completed the research portion of his Master’s degree in Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology in Dr. Vanderwal’s lab at Yale. He then completed his PhD at the University of York under the supervision of Dr. Jonny Smallwood, and is currently a postdoc in the lab of Dr. Vankee Lin at the University of Rochester in NY. He has a vested interest in mind-wandering, and takes particular pleasure in making a computer do what he wants it to do.

Current movie recommendation: Britney Runs a Marathon
Reason: It’s just nice. We need nice.


Donson Dong


Donson is currently finishing up his undergraduate studies in Honours Cellular, Anatomical and Physiological Sciences at UBC, after which he hopes to attend medical school. His summer project in the lab focused on seed-based functional connectivity in childhood-onset OCD. He is interested in the use of computer programs in medical research more broadly.

Current movie recommendation: Jurassic Park
Reason: visually spectacular, exciting, AND a classic


Aidan O’Callahan

BCCHR Summer Studentship, 2020

Aidan is completing his undergraduate honours degree at UBC Okanagan. During his summer studentship in the lab, he worked on designing an online study to test new movie paradigms and helped develop the lab website. Aidan has an interest in mental health and health inequities, and is preparing for the next steps in his educational journey. Meanwhile, he is making punk music videos and surfing when possible.
Current movie recommendation: Train to Busan
Reason: Ma Dong-Seok + zombies