Lab Alumni
Adam Turnbull
Adam completed the research portion of his Master’s degree in Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology in Dr. Vanderwal’s lab at Yale. He then completed his PhD at the University of York under the supervision of Dr. Jonny Smallwood, and is currently a postdoc in the lab of Dr. Vankee Lin at the University of Rochester in NY. He has a vested interest in mind-wandering, and takes particular pleasure in making a computer do what he wants it to do.
Orcid ID:
Current movie recommendation: Britney Runs a Marathon
Reason: It’s just nice. We need nice.
Donson Dong
Donson is currently finishing up his undergraduate studies in Honours Cellular, Anatomical and Physiological Sciences at UBC, after which he hopes to attend medical school. His summer project in the lab focused on seed-based functional connectivity in childhood-onset OCD. He is interested in the use of computer programs in medical research more broadly.
Current movie recommendation: Jurassic Park
Reason: visually spectacular, exciting AND a classic
Aidan O’Callahan
BCCHR Summer Studentship, 2020
Aidan is completing his undergraduate degree at UBC Okanagan. During his summer studentship in the lab, he worked on designing an upcoming online study to test new movie paradigms “in the age of COVID.” Aidan has an interest in mental health and health inequities, and is figuring out what career path will be the best fit for those interests. Meanwhile, he is making punk music videos and surfing when possible.
Current movie recommendation: